Reflections on Caring for the Caregiver

Parenting Blog

May 26, 2009

"Now it's time to personalize the ideas about caring for the caregiver. I find that when I am writing about a certain topic, it just so happens to be a topic I need to pay attention to myself. It's Tuesday after a holiday weekend and there is a lot of work to be done, two days of work need to fit into one, but I am feeling tired. What would be a caring thing to do? I cannot forget about the things to do but I can keep the list short and my attitude light (only doing the things that need to be done today) and then I can stop when the work is done. Stop thinking about tomorrow's list and take a walk, a bike ride, do some gardening or take a nap. It is self-caring to know when enough is enough,(I am reminding myself).

Questions to ponder:

Do you get enough sleep on a regular basis?

Do you eat right (balanced, healthy food)?

Do you exercise regularly (even a daily walk)?

Do you go to the Doctor and the Dentist regularly for a check-up?

Do you schedule time for recreation (being with friends, going out, reading or whatever else you like to do)?

Do you have a healthy rhythm that allows enough time to do what you have to do or are you often rushing and feeling a bit breathless?

Do you observe nature, it's changes and beauty?

Do you stop to listen and observe your child, taking interest in what he or she is doing or saying and what he or she is becoming?

Do you allow yourself time to reflect on what is happening and your dreams for the future?

Do you choose carefully the information you take in, reading books, seeing movies and surrounding yourself with people that are positive and inspirational?

Do you allow yourself to formulate a picture of your children and your spouse that emphasizes their best qualities, reinforcing those characteristics so they will grow and refraining from criticism?

Did you know that your inner dialogue comes from the things you heard from authorities when you were a child? What kinds of things do you say to your self?
What do you say to your child (in particular when he/she is having a hard time)?

Did you know that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and that it takes three positive comments to balance a negative one and to keep a relationship healthy?

The most important relationship you have is the one with your self. Are you in ""right relationship"" with your self? What is one new habit you can commit to that is self-caring?"

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